Week 5 Update - Ms. Micha’s Builders
This week we started our day together with a game of Hungry Hungry Seagulls. We had a lengthy boundary to play in so this made it fun & dynamic. We then hiked to our classroom to get situated. There we had our Morning Circle & shared about our pets if we had any. We also made our silliest animal noises.
We took a walk to our Sit Spot location & had a chat about what we can aim for during the experience. This time we went for 8 minutes. We still had some energy to tame, kiddos getting up & playing, which we talked about in our circle afterwards. I think next time we will all sit in a circle together, facing outward & see how it goes!
After snack, we completed our Farm Chore of weeding amaranth & Johnson grass from the rows next to our classroom, the Southwest plot. We imagined the tomatoes & arugula stretching with gratitude.
We had some free time. Kids played in the wooded area surrounding our classroom while others chose to carve privet sticks.
After lunch we began our Activity: Pounded Flower Bookmarks. With baskets in tow, we walked the farm to gather both planted & wild flowers. We discussed their anatomy, their color, uses & smell. Back at the classroom, we laid them out to preference across our paper. We then pounded them with hammers, peeking underneath to reach our desired print. Using a hole punch & yarn, we attached the final touch. They came out lovely.
Until next time,
~ Miss Micha