Week 4 Update - Ms. Micha’s Builders
Hey there families,
This week we started with a crazy fun game of Scramble. After arriving to our classroom we set up our hay bales, laying out our towels. We went around the Circle sharing our Farm Names (if we have one), how we were Feeling & what we are Grateful for. We stood up & stretched & moved our bodies however they wanted to move!
We then took some sips of water before our little hike down to the dry riverbed for our Sit Spot exercise. There we sat for 7 minutes this time. We circled up & talked about our experience. The kids had an easier go this time as they now know what to expect & what was essentially expected of them. We sat with whatever feelings or desires (to get up/ talk) & experienced a fulfilling Sit Spot, connecting with nature all around us.
After snack, we harvested chamomile, poppies & calendula for drying. We Loved this so much! The flowers were so bright & colorful. Miss Tammy shared her knowledge with us & showed us how to harvest them properly. We filled our baskets, & saved a few for dissecting for our next activity, Flower Anatomy. We then stopped by to say hello to the chicks. We observed their interactions. It’s so nice to be able to see them each week after noticeable growth.
Back at the classroom, we each had a clipboard & we sketched the inside of a flower together. We drew lines to the different components & labeled them, practicing our writing. We then enjoyed a bit of free time after all our focus & hard work this morning!
After lunch we weeded the raised garden bed outside of the Hoop House. We’re prepping it for next week’s planting. We then had early pack up & headed to the big field. On the way, we made rock pigment paint from crushed limestone & water. We then set up for Throwing Sticks!
We all took a stick, typically measuring from the armpit to where the fingers meet the hand when the arm is outstretched. We talked about how these were some of the very first tools. They’re even depicted in Egyptian cave art. Throwing Sticks were used for sport/ entertainment, hunting, defending & building. We then got the chance to practice different throwing techniques at the sound of the whistle blast; knocking down targets of 2x4’s & tin cans!
Wishing you all a fantastic week. See you very soon!
~Miss Micha