Week 8 Update - Ms. Micha’s Builders

Hi y’all!

This week was amazing. It feels so good to be back. The farm is growing in all the ways. The kids gathered for a big game of Ninja Sword in the morning. We then spit into our individual classes & set foot to our classroom. There we got settled & had Morning Circle. I was filled in on the highlights of the prior weeks.

We had Sit Spot in our class area, making a circle then turning around facing outward for 9 whole minutes. We talked about our individual experience afterward. We then started working on our farm chore. We weeded & tilled the raised garden bed beside the Hoop House. We fetched the wheel barrow & shovels & made our way to the compost pile. We noted the other piles that were in the process of breaking down. There we shoveled finished compost into the wheel barrow & spread it around the garden bed. We then took a break for our snack.

At the classroom we read a book all about organic farming on the big blue blanket together; Ritchie & Shelly at the Farm Festival, by Cathy Macri. We talked about our favorite vegetables & all the similarities in the book that reminded us of this farm.

It was then time to finish our chore by planting corn & squash. We took turns giving it a good watering, then coved it lightly with hay. We ran over to say hello to the ever growing chicks. They’re getting so big! Before we knew it, it was lunchtime. Afterwards we cooled off with an epic game of Wolves & Rabbits, tagging each other with squirts of water instead of our hands.

Some kids enjoyed making grapevine wreaths with me while others had some fun with the water blasters I brought. The days are getting hotter, so please be sure to pack extra clothing & a towel for you child, as water games will continue:)

REMINDER: We have 2 more weeks left of Farm School before Summer Farm Camp starts! You can learn more or register here.

Thank you all so much & we’ll see you again soon.

All the Best,

~Miss Micha


Week 8 Update - Ms. Tammy’s Explorers


Week 5 Update - Ms. Micha’s Builders