Week 3 Update - Ms. Micha’s Saturday Class
Hi there families!
We had an awesome day together. We started in the Hoop House with some hot apple cider which was so comforting & delicious! We decided to go to our classroom to observe the bird feeders we made last week. Looks like they were a total success! We even saw some Carolina Chikadees perched & nibbling. Our spot was attracting many birds so we listened to their morning songs & played in the straw.
We observed the growing vegetables & how they were covered for protection from the winter chill. The farm is always changing and the kids like this very much.
After some fun at our wooded playground, we headed back to the hoop house for some stories. I read a tale called, “Can I Sit With You?” by Sarah Jacoby & “The Honey Makers” by Gail Gibbons. We learned so many fastening facts about honey bees. Feel free to ask your child what they liked most from our lesson.
Some of the kids made up their own bandanna ball game while others collected eggs from the chicken coop. We played & enjoyed the sun until lunchtime. We then created heart & star Leaf Lanterns together. Using hole punches, we popped out shapes from leaves. After painting modge podge onto mason jars, we pressed tissue paper to the sides & bottom, then pressed on our shapes. These came out lovely & will be ready to take home this week!
We hope you all take great care & we’ll see you very soon!
All the Best,
~Miss Micha