Week 1 Update - Ms. Tammy’s Explorers

Welcome (and welcome back to some of our friends!)

Day 1 was definitely a welcoming warm Spring day with plenty of sunshine. We started the day with introductions and then got moving by taking a tour of the farm. While visiting the chickens we fed them, learned about the roosters (and the rooster stick), then had to make their next batch of feed, which we ferment. We also collected their eggs & petted Cheeks the Chicken.  

Then we came back to our classroom site, drank a ton of water and had a discussion about our Agreements, which  are our “rules” to ensure everyone is safe and having fun!

Our agreements:

  • I will be safe with my hands and feet

  • I will be respectful to others

  • I will respond to my mentor when addressed

  • I will treat all life on the farm respectfully

  • I will stay on the paths between the garden beds

  • I will always ask before picking

  • I will use tools safely

Now that everyone was more familiar with the farm, we went on a scavenger hunt. 

After that, we drank more water, then harvested some herbs (lavender, mint and lemon balm) and made sun tea. We also harvested some more lemon balm, along with some beautiful orange California poppies,  to dry them for later medicine making. They also got to plant some comfrey seeds that will also be used for medicine. 

During forest playtime, it was such a pleasurable sight to see the kids working together to create a seesaw. They hauled a heavy log and a huge 2x4 to put it together. Impressive & fun!

This is such a great group of kiddos and I’m looking forward to the next 9 weeks together learning more amazing things and having fun. 

See you next Friday,


Week 2 Update - Ms. Micha’s Builders


Week 1 Update - Mr. Austen’s Saturday Class