Week 1 Update - Mr. Austen’s Saturday Class

Our first day of Farm School was all about acquainting ourselves with one another and the environment we'll be exploring over the next nine weeks. 

The day began as most days will with our opening circle. Here the students are encouraged to share their names (at least until everyone learns them) and a fun fact about their interests. Today's topic was, "What is your favorite animal?" There were many interesting and creative answers including a Great Horned Owl, a zebra, a sugar glider and a Red Panda - perhaps we have some future zoologists in our midst?

Next, we introduced our classroom agreements. These agreements serve as the social contract by which we govern ourselves at the farm including:

- I will listen to my mentor at all times 
- I will be kind to others with my words and actions 
- I will respect all life on the farm 

We then played a few rounds of the game "Blind Samurai" - think tag with a pool noodle and blindfold for the tagger. This always elicits a lot of laughter and gets our bodies moving for the day ahead. 

After fueling up with a quick snack, we began our tour of the farm where we observed the many different wild edible plants, flowers, and insects (ask your kiddo about their favorites, lots of ladybugs and species of butterflies were seen!) 

We then entered the greenhouse to check on our seedlings before they go out into the field next week. 

Next to the greenhouse is our chicken pen - a first day favorite. We learned about (and smelled) our fermented chicken feed. While our hens and roosters gobbled up the nutritious mixture, we discussed the utility of their combs, waddles, feather patterns and more. 

Finally, we made a stop at the weather station to observe and record the temperature, wind direction and atmospheric conditions of the day. 

Following our farm tour we sat down for lunch and story time. We read "A Perfect Day," a tale of what began as a perfect day for some furry friends that took an unexpected turn!

To wrap up the day, the students were given time to free play - climbing trees, building forts and letting their imaginations run wild as they forged new bonds of friendship. As the temperature climbed, the students called themselves, "seedlings" who were in "need of a drink" - drawing on their newfound knowledge of what seeds need (ask them the three things a seed needs to thrive!) from our trip to the greenhouse earlier in the day, and I obliged with a proper dousing from one of our hoses. 

This led to some mud pie baking, a fun way to finish the first day. It was such a joyous day filled with laughter and connection. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to serve your children this session. 

I will be out next week, but Ms. Tammy will be looking after your little ones. See y'all on the 8th!

Mr. Austen


Week 1 Update - Ms. Tammy’s Explorers


Week 1 Update - Mr. Austen’s Explorers