Week 4 Update - Miss Micha’s Builders
Howdy Folks!
What a sweet week we had at Farm School. We managed to dodge the expected heavy rainfall. Both Friday and Saturday Builders enjoyed learning new skills. On Friday, we had our group game, Ultimate Palm Tag, up at the large field. We then sauntered to our classroom to enjoy our Morning Circle, followed by a Silence exercise. The ground was very wet so this was in place of our Sit Spot Activity. We were quiet for one minute, then loud and rowdy the next. We did this 3 times for 6 minutes total. We noticed how our bodies were feeling during the silence~ hearts racing, smiles abound.
Saturday’s Morning Circle took place inside the Tarp Shelter Friday’s class had built. We shared in each other’s Gratitude. We then took a short hike to the dry riverbed for our Sit Spot Exercise. Afterward, we hiked up the hill to feed the cows some grass. To our surprise they just observed us.. without coming closer, and we did the same. As we walked toward the outdoor dinning area round the Cafe, we saw the cows running over to a staff member who was carrying lots of kitchen scraps and veggies for them to munch! Alright, alright.
We then spent some time enjoying the Festive stage area. There was soft classical music playing and pumpkins galore. The kiddos put on a play, and we enjoyed the sweetness of the moment. Friday’s class had a Farm Chore of filling a wheel barrow with compost. We made our way to the Raised Garden Beds and removed the mulch layer of hay, used to insulate and protect the soil. We added the compost then replaced the mulch. They did an amazing job!
We then had Snack and talked in depth about seeds and the benefits of saving them. Both Friday & Saturday’s class walked though the Farm Rows and each harvested a green bell pepper. At the classroom we sliced them open, and removed the seeds for future planting, as well as devouring the some of our pepper harvest. We then enjoyed some Wild and Free time. After Saturday’s Snack time, we had our Farm Chore of Composting the Hugelbeds. We shoveled the compost into the wheelbarrow and dispersed it throughout the herb garden.
After lunch both classes addressed our Mystery Bucket activity from last week. The raccoons managed to open the lid and get inside! We pondered innovative ideas like placing a giant log on top, digging a hole and placing the bucket in it, and possibly hanging it from a tree. Friday’s class began their hole digging. We needed too large of a hole and the ground was so firm, so Saturday’s hung it from a tree.
Friday’s Builders had fun building the Tarp Shelter. We used a mallet and worked on hammering stakes, tying rope, and enjoying the turnout. Saturday’s class learned the ABC’s of Carving safely:
A~ Always ask permission
B~ Bubble (a boundary drawn around our work space)
C~ Carve off and away from yourself
D~ Don’t get distracted
E~ End with everything away
Feel free to ask them if they remember any of them. We wrapped up our day by drawing and playing with the small wooden logs we acquired by clearing some brush at our classroom last week.
Thank you all so mulch:) We’ll see you very soon!
Take Great Care,
~ Miss Micha