Week 8 Update - Young Farmers

Hi Parents!

We definitely got into the Halloween spirit on this week. Friday morning was crisp and cool, so we started up a campfire at our outdoor classroom, after reviewing the ABCs of fire safety, which we do whenever building fires at farm school:

A - Adult Supervision

B - Barrier (a fire pit or other enclosure intended for fires)

C - Current Climate (checking the weather for wind and status of any current burn ban)

D - Distance (Our fire pit is far enough away from flammable materials above and around that we can safely light a fire)

E - Extinguisher (We must have a hose or water nearby before lighting a fire)

F - Foreign Objects - only plant/tree/cooking material, once something goes in, it stays in

We then prepared apples with raisins & cinnamon and roasted them on the hot coals (*delish*) For our farm chores, we started more seeds of medicinal herbs (lemon balm, artemisia, stinging nettles, and skullcap.) These will be transplanted to the herb garden and used in upcoming classes on plant medicine. 

We finally finished our scarecrow, who goes by the name of Emily Jones, the daughter of last year’s Potato Sack Jones (RIP). She looked marvelous at the Fall Festival today!

After lunch, we decorated mini pumpkins and enjoyed a few epic rounds of Bananagrams - if you don’t have this one at home, I highly suggest you pick it up. These kids love it!

Hard to believe, but we only have two weeks left!. Registration is now open for winter semester which starts on January 7th. We’ll be deepening our exploration of regenerative farming, while also practicing our outdoor skills such as fire-building, cordage making, native plant ID and uses, and lots more.

It was lovely seeing some of you at the festival, I wish you all a happy and safe Halloween!

Ms. Bridget


Week 8 Update - Miss Micha’s Builders


Week 7 Update - Ms. Drea’s Explorers