Week 2 Update - Mr. Braden’s Builders

Hey Farm Families,

Today was a hot one. A really hot one. We started the day with games as usual. And then we moved our classroom into the shade as a group. Then we set our intentions and started our day.

We did sit-spot today for about 12 minutes, which is a time when they find a spot they like in the woods, and sit in that spot in silent observation. It's a time we use to fully arrive and settle into the day, into our bodies, and into nature.

After that we shared in a gratitude practice inspired by the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, where we each shared one thing we were grateful for this morning around the circle and then moved on to snack.

After snack we revisited how a sun-stick works (I had the kids instruct me on setting one up), and went about our farm chore. Our farm chore today was collecting and washing eggs, but two broody hens prevented us from collecting any this morning. One of the ladies made the most interesting sound I've ever heard a chicken make, it sounded very clearly like the word "Owwwwww" (no one was touching her). But we moved on with our day, and would visit more successfully at the end of the day.

It was hot and very sunny today, and hydration is paramount on days like today. We did a hydration activity where they were asked questions and could only respond in questions, if they failed to come up with a good question, they had to take a sip of water. They got much better as the game went on, and all of us got to drink a good amount of water today.

We spent part of the day hunting for bugs using sheets. You place the sheet under a low-hanging branch or shrub, and then gently shake. Bugs and small leaves will fall out, and after they did, we attempted to identify them using the guide we had available, some containers, and some magnifying glasses. We are pretty sure we found a weevil, some ox beetles, an unidentified spider, and caught some grasshoppers. We built a small obstacle course for the bugs and let them loose to see if they could navigate their way out. The grasshoppers had the best time.

We also went for a visit to the cows, found a sleeping armadillo, fed some cows, and had a good walk that led us into lunch and free play time, which we started a little late on because of the cows.

After lunch we successfully completed our egg collecting and washing task, put the eggs into a carton (six of them) and finished our day with a debrief. It was a good day, but we're all looking forward to when it isn't so hot. Which I wholeheartedly believe will be next week. See you then!



Week 2 Update - Young Farmers


Week 1 Update - Miss Micha’s Saturday Builders