Week 1 Update - Miss Micha’s Saturday Builders
Hello Parents & Families!
We had such a lovely first day here on The Farm. Children made their way to our classroom this morning as we played some fun games. We started with Scramble (a variation of dodge ball) then played a name game. Once we were acquainted, we sat on our chosen straw bale under the elm tree. I introduced myself and invited the kids to do the same. We went around the circle sharing our names and what we were looking forward to most here at The Farm.
We then did some stretching exercises and had a discussion about our Farm Agreements. Safety is our number one priority. We came up with some great ones that we could adhere to. We talked in depth about regenerative farming and how we can best respect each other as well as all of the life here. After snack, we met Farmer Austen at the chicken pen. He showed us how he adds water to their food. This helps release enzymes that the chickens normally have to work harder to digest. This makes the feed more efficient, and efficacy is always appreciated here at our Farm.
We stopped by our class to drink some water and talk about the age old way of telling time, the sun stick (sun dial). We stuck one in the ground and observed it’s shadow throughout the day, making predictions and noting it’s movement. We then took a Farm Tour. We learned about the compost station. We walked through the farm rows, viewing growing tulsi and peppers. We ate tomato and okra right off the vine!
We then had our Farm Chore: Dispersing Compost Tea using watering cans at the base of each pepper plant. Compost Tea is composed of molasses, liquid kelp and compost. We give this to our plants to help boost their immune systems, to keep them resistant to insects and disease.
We hiked back to the classroom for more hydration. After lunch we began our group Scavenger Hunt! We explored The Farm even further as we checked off our findings on the list. We romped though winding paths to the Labyrinth and German House. It was then time to pack our belongings and enjoy some wild and free time before our parents came to greet us.
Thank you all so much. Please reach out to me via email if you have any needs or questions moving forward. We will see you very soon!
Warm Regards,
~Miss Micha