Winter Camp Update: Thursday 12/23

Our last day was just magical. We warmed up with a game of scramble, then started right in with a story written by Eve Bunting called “The Night Tree,” which set the stage for our entire day. In the story, a family enjoys the tradition of driving out into the woods every Christmas Eve at the edge of town to decorate a favorite tree with edible ornaments as a special treat for the wildlife. This led to a discussion of different holiday traditions that our own families do each year. We then found the perfect tree and set out to decorate it with popcorn & cranberry chains, sun butter & birdseed feeders, and gelatin bird treats molded with cookie cutters. We finished up by stringing up sliced apples and hanging them as ornaments. Our tree looks amazing and we think the wildlife will be very pleased. 

After lunch we played fox and rabbits, then took a walk to look at the beehives. We never get too close, but I always have students pick a little bit of plantain, a common herb that can be used topically to ease the pain of insect bites and stings - just in case. Ask your child about how it works! 

We continued on past the creekbed to a meadow for more hide and seek tag and a final game of capture the flag. Logan used some plantain on a bug bite and he says the pain went away immediately!

We wrapped up the week with rose-thorn-rosebud where each camper got a chance to share what they liked / didn’t like / look forward to. Some of the “roses” were: getting to know each other, doing all the crafts, and cooking over the campfire. “Thorns” included prickly pears and fire ants. For “rosebuds” - they all said look forward to the next camp!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful kids with us this week. We wish you all have a peaceful Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year.

Bridget & Phaedra


Winter Camp Update: Wednesday 12/22