Winter Camp Update: Monday 12/6

Today was such a wonderful day together.  What a sweet group of children.  This is going to be a fun week!

It was chilly this morning with that northern wind.  So, we built a fire.  Before we did that, we learned how to build a fire and all the safety that goes with it.  The kids harvested tinder from the bark of the Ash Juniper trees, collected various sizes of twigs & branches for fuel and then watched as the fire was built.  As the fire roared, we enjoyed snack time and a cute story about a rock friend.  If your child brought home a rock today, ask them why.  

We spent most of our day exploring the farm and walking the property, asking ALL the questions, being very curious, making friends, and soaking in the outdoors.  

We visited the chickens, fed them and collected their eggs (2 dozen of them).  We learned about our two roosters and their very important role protecting the hens.  

We walked the entire farm and tasted as much as we could growing from the field.  Snow peas were a hit and they even liked the arugula and cilantro.  Guess things taste better straight from the ground.  We grow medicinal herbs as well, so the children tasted lavender, lemon balm, mint, Mexican mint marigold, and borage flowers.  There’s definitely something magical about a child harvesting straight from the plant and doing it themselves!

We got to say hello to the cows who were lounging under a giant oak tree.  The Longhorn always gets attention with oohs and ahhhs!  

Then came the highlight of the day…playing in the creek bed.  This is the perfect place where the kids can practice climbing, jumping, sliding down the hills, building and constructing art with stones.  This group all worked together and played a very cute dragon game. 

Today was a very fun day and it was such a joy seeing all the friendships coming together.  

I am looking forward to more exploring over the next few days.

~ Miss Tammy


Winter Camp Update: Tuesday 12/7