Week 2 Update - Ms. Nora’s Grasshoppers
Hi Farm School families!
Kicking off week 2, we started our day with some free play on the playground while we waited for everyone to arrive. We briefly gathered to go over our agreements again and set expectations with our mentor, Ms. Nora, since she was out last week. From here, we moved into a 4 minute sit spot to attune ourselves to the natural world and observe the environment around us. Lots of us noticed how many bugs were around! We still had a ton of energy, so afterwards we played a game of One Fish, Two Fish before breaking for snack.
While we ate, Ms. Nora read a story book: How Groundhog's Garden Grew. Feeling inspired, we went into our first activity, a bug hunt! We looked for a variety of helpful and harmful insects and identified them, we also got to see a super special longhorn beetle with Farmer Cullen, and an enormous dragonfly! We noticed it had damaged wings and wondered about what might have happened to cause it.
After breaking for lunch, we hiked down to the creek to explore the ecology. We found a wild Texas Persimmon tree and ate some of the sweet, seeded fruits. Some of us even had the irresistible urge to use the pulp as face paint! After that, we harvested some eggplant for baba ganoush. We roasted the eggplant and garlic on a camp stove and then combined the ingredients in a food processor to make a yummy dip! With just enough time left to pack up, we headed back to our class to share our highlights of the day before pick up.