Week 6 Update - Miss Micha’s Builders
Welcome Families,
I’m so glad you chose to visit us at our Parent Portal for another weekly update.
Our classes had a great time together; noting the changes in both the weather and here on The Farm. Friday’s class had fun playing Jedi Dodgeball in the morning, while Saturday’s played The Fish Game. We gathered for Morning Circle at the classroom and went around, this time including what we look forward to most about the shift in the weather. Both classes then had Sit Spot. Saturday’s class decided to come up with their own Sit Spot Names (along with our Farm Names). We had some pretty cool ones like Tired Tortoise and Sitting Squirrel. Saturday’s class worked on their Shelter building from last week. I taught some basic knot tying skills to Friday’s class. We learned the over hand, square knot, and hitch tie. We also got acquainted with knot tying terms.
We then had Snack time. I read a book called Hurray For You, by Marianne Richmond to Saturday’s class as they rolled around in a tarp I had brought.
We had a smashing (pumpkin smashing) good time in Friday’s class. Our class Scarecrow head was munched on and decomposing, so we let out some wild desires. Saturday’s class had a Farm Chore of feeding our chickens. The roosters were particularly expressive, so we took caution. Friday’s Farm Activity was planting. We scooped soil into our pots, planted various native plant seeds like bluebonnets, sage, and milkweed, then labeled them. We will observe their growth.
At the classroom, both classes played a game I call, Of Course This Is! I pulled out random objects from my pack and we handed them around to one another. One was a juggling pin, another a deer pelvis, a squiggly dried stick vine, and a magnifier. We said “Of course this is a…” as we acted out what each item was to our imagination’s content~ along with massive giggling.
After a delicious lunch, both classes went to the river bed to acquire large stones to secure our blown over tarps along the farm rows. We laid them out one by one. Friday’s class then enjoyed some free play and carving time for the rest of our afternoon. Saturday’s class picked bell peppers for munching and ran around the forest paths behind our old sunflower house. We had an awesome time.
Thank you for tuning in. We are looking forward to a great Autumn together. See y’all soon!
The Very Best,
~Miss Micha