Week 2 Update - Miss Micha’s Builders
Hello Everyone,
We had a great week here at Farm School. Our Builders are really enjoying their time with us. Friday’s class started off with a game of Scramble, while Saturday’s played Fire In The Forest. We gathered for Morning Circle and went around with our Talking Stick, sharing our Name, Farm Name, how we were Feeling and what we were Grateful for. Beaming with gratitude we ran around and stretched before we had a refresher of the Farm Agreements we decided on last week.
Friday’s Builders and I took a hike to greet the bees. On the way there we learned Fox feet then prepared for our first sit spot; located in and around the dry riverbed. Children then did just that; they chose a spot to sit then stayed there for 8 minutes. This exercise is all about submersing ourself entirely in nature, observing our surroundings all while feeling whatever emotions come up during the process. During the sit, some kids were wanting to get up, while others experienced complete bliss. We noticed what we were hearing, what we were seeing, smelling, and feeling. As a surprise, I called them all back together by playing my cedar flute. We circled up and discussed our experience.
Saturday’s Builders were very excited to get right to their farm chore: Feeding the Chickens. We met up with Farmer Austen as he showed us how it’s done. We then prepped the new batch by adding water to the food. The fermentation process releases enzymes that are harder for the chickens to digest. This saves product and is better for our feathered friends. Friday’s Farm chore was to collect the chicken poop using rakes and shovels, load it into a wheelbarrow and bring it down he hill to the compost area. Their manure will add lots of nitrogen to our soil. The kids were surprisingly giddy about this endeavor!
After snack, I read each class a story. Friday’s read Plant A Little Seed, by Bonnie Christensen, and Saturday’s class read A Little Bit Brave, by Nicola Kinnear. We then enjoyed some Wild & Free exploration/play time round our class area before it was time for lunch. Both classes had a blast with our Farm Activity: Sheet Shake. Before starting, we talked about why we don’t use pesticides here on The Farm. They can be harmful to the land, the plants and native animals, as well as those consuming the veggies.
We encourage the predatory insects that like to eat plant~eating insects such as ladybugs, preying mantis, and lacewings. We like to attract pollinating insects like native bees, honey bees and butterflies; as these help our plants make more vegetables. We brought our sheet along the Tulsi, tucking it down under the plants. We shook them and witnessed bugs dropping onto the sheet. We collected some in mason jars, even collecting a few bees, and ran back to the classroom. There we observed them, drawing and sketching our new friends. After letting them go, we enjoyed some cooling off with water squirters and giggles.
What a week! Thank you all for tuning in.
We look forward to watching the farm change along with the weather~ together.
Much Gratitude,
~Miss Micha