Week 9 Update - Ms. Micha’s Builders

Hi families!

This morning we played a big game of Frogs On A Lily Pad. We had two bandana toting water moccasins who ware very hungry. The frogs leaped from each lily pad to escape their predator. Hula hoops were our lily pads & acted as safe zones. If we were tagged by the predictor, we were out (hula hooping) until the next round; which there were several!

We then made our way to the classroom, where we had Morning Circle. We shared about ourselves then had in place of Sit Spot, 1 minute of silence together, then 2 minutes. It was fun to see how long we could compose ourselves. If we made a peep, we started the timer over.

When there was a gust of wind, some students unfortunately got dirt blown into their eyes, so we decided to take an already disheveled hay bale & rake it around the classroom. The kids liked this job & it helped a great deal. Success!

We then walked to the Labyrinth to stick a metal frog in the ground as a decoration. We talked about the function of the Labyrinth. We then ran to look at the German House & talk about it’s 200 year old structure. On our way back to the classroom we stopped by our 3 Sisters raised garden bed to weed & plant our beans. We gave it a good watering.

After snack, we played Bolas Spider, using a bandana ball at the end of a rope. I swung it around in a circle & kids jumped over it. We then took my massive hula hoop collection & hung them in trees, throwing bandana balls through the hoops. We also added the element of tossing the hoops in the air & throwing balls through. We enjoyed playing with ropes I brought as well. The kids came up with so many imaginative uses. We also did some carving too.

We then visited the chicks, noting their behavior & growth. They’re getting big folks! After lunch, we began our activity of Stained Glass Planters. We painted them with Mod Podge, added colorful tissue paper, then painted them again. Next week we will plant something wonderful in them to take home.

We wrapped up our day with water play. We augmented Fire In the Forest to Flood In the Forest. Animals crossing the woods dodged left & right to escape the flood; a barrage of water blasting fun.

Thank you all so much farm families. We will see you & yours next week for our final class of the semester!

Take Great Care,

~Miss Micha


Spring Recap - Young Farmers


Week 8 Update - Ms. Tammy’s Explorers