Week 7 Update - Ms. Micha’s Explorers
Hi y’all!
The Explorers this Friday had a great time. Despite the chill, we were up ready for great fun in learning. We set to building a fire right away. Kids shouted out our Fire Safety ABC’s as we warmed up. We had our Morning Circle, sharing about ourselves & how we were feeling.
I read a sweet book called, Nobody Hugs A Cactus, by Carter Goodrich. Then, using a rubber mallet, we hammered sharpened privet sticks into the ground & set up the cones for some Ring Toss. We honed our hand eye coordination, getting down the rhythm of the motion.
We then set to carving using knives. We addressed the Carving Safety Agreements as the kids found a good carving stick & got to it. They love to see the process of the bark being removed by their handy work from the sticks. Then, after lunch we made candles from sheets of beeswax & beeswax wick.
We warmed the sheets on the fire so they would be easy to roll. Laying the wick on one side, we rolled them up. They came out great. We were then gifted a surprise box of s’mores ingredients, so we immediately took advantage. A delicious treat for all our hard work today.
Finally we wrapped up with a big game of Life & Death In the Forest. This game is very intricate yet simple once the concepts were grasped. Players teamed up in pairs & were given a card which read their animal. Carnivores, omnivores & herbivores scampered throughout the woodland. We had food & water stations to seek out & predators chasing those lower on the food chain. What a fun & lovely way to stay warm & learn about what it’s really like to be in survival mode!
Also, we are announcing that registration for our Spring Semester is NOW open. The semester will start on March 25th. Be sure to sign up soon to hold your space.
Summer Farm Camp registration is also open. Click here for session dates and registration.
Thanks for tuning in families & we’ll see you all again soon!
Warm Regards
~ Miss Micha