Week 3 Update - Ms. Micha’s Builders
Hi y’all!
We had another great day together. Up at the field we played Ultimate Palm Tag. We got warmed up & laughing right away. We then hiked to our classroom for our Morning Circle. We shared some amazing things about ourselves. Farmer Cullen was harvesting radish for the CSA boxes (literally right next to us, so cool) He offered some of the harvest so we had an early morning munch!
We talked about the importance of practicing stillness. What benefits are there from being in a relaxed & receptive state? We took a fun hike to our Sit Spot exercise destination, the dry riverbed across the farm. There, we sat for 6 minutes in nature. We observed the sounds, smells, sights & feelings- & even taste! (nibbling wood sorrel) I called everyone together by playing my cedar flute, which they liked so much. We huddled up afterward to discuss our experience. For some it was complete bliss, others it was hard to stay seated in one space. We will continue to cultivate this practice & extend the time of the sit throughout the semester.
After farm snack, we had our Farm Chore, transplanting the zinnia flowers that were sprouted in the Hoop House. We planted them in the prepped row among the kale & garlic. The kids did an amazing job. It felt so good to give back to this farm that gives so much to us. We watered them thoroughly with watering cans.
We then went to visit the baby chicks! Oh my they were so little & sweet. We observed their behavior, their patterning & coloration & how they interacted with one another. They’re still getting acquainted with the farm so we weren’t yet able to snuggle them. Can’t wait to keep checking up on them & witnessing their growth.
Following lunch in the sunshine, the kids felt like creating their own games, climbing trees & raking around the classroom. We had a loose afternoon filled with nature poetry, yoga poses & knife carving. We learned how to cut our sticks in half using the beaver chew method. We even made a bow & arrow!
We then packed up & headed to the field for our Closing Circle where we held space for one another to share their Rose & Thorn of the day. Rose being something they thought was lovely, & thorn being something they could learn from. Overall a wonderful day full of growth & learning.
Thank you families, we’ll see you soon!
Take great care,
~Miss Micha