Week 7 Update - Ms. Micha’s Saturday Class

Greetings Parents & Families! 

We had a lovely day this Saturday here on The Farm. We lit our fire in the morning & recalled our Fire Safety Agreements. It was fun to gather all the wood we could! We learned to set the wet pieces on the fire’s edge to dry them off. Amongst the sprinkling ran, no one seemed to mind & great connections & conversation were had. 

In our Morning Circle we had our weekly check in. Overall we were excited for our day & curious for what was to come. We set up our Ring Toss activity by hammering wooden stakes into the ground using a rubber mallet. We had fun aiming & then lengthening the throw distance as we went on. 

We then had some team building in an exercise called, Magic Stick. We rested a long stick on our two pointer fingers. We gently lowered the stick as a group to the ground, which took mighty effort in communication, as the stick tended to suddenly float upwards from time to time. We did it!

With Farmer Austen’s help, students sawed larger pieces of wood for the fire. We made some delicious s’mores which is always a welcome treat. We then said hello to the chickens & gathered some eggs. At the Hoop House we read a story & enjoyed playing imaginatively until lunchtime.

Kids played house & crafted some for items using paper, colored pencils & scissors. We wrapped up our day by planting sunflowers 4 inch pots. After scooping in the soil, we measured one knuckle deep & made 5 holes. We planted one seed in each hole, covered them up then gave them a good watering. We labeled the pots & felt fulfilled from our day! 

Also, we are announcing that registration for our Spring Semester is NOW open. The semester will start on March 25th.  Be sure to sign up soon to hold your space.

Summer Farm Camp registration is also open. Click here for session dates and registration.

Take great care & All the Best,

~Miss Micha


Week 7 Update - Mr. Braden’s Builders


Week 7 Update - Young Farmers