Week 1 Update - Miss Micha’s Friday Builders
Hi there Parents and Families!
Miss Micha here.
We had such an amazing day and are so happy to have your sweethearts growing with us! We started our morning with a group game of Jedi Dodgeball. Kids began to get acquainted with one another while being active and enjoying some play. We then split into our individual classes and began our hike to the classroom. Under the elm tree we chose a hay bale to lay our towels on and had a seat. I introduced myself and invited the kids to do the same. We went around the circle sharing our names and what we were looking forward to most here at The Farm.
We then did some stretching exercises and had a discussion about our Farm Agreements. Safety is our number one priority. We came up with some great ones that we could adhere to. We talked in depth about regenerative farming and how we can best respect each other as well as all of the life here. After snack, we made our class sun stick (sun dial). We observed it’s shadow throughout the day, making predictions and noting it’s movement.
We then took a Farm Tour. We learned about the compost station, and there we found a toad. We took turns holding it carefully. We walked through the farm rows, viewing growing peppers and tomatoes. We learned how to use the compost toilet and checked in on the weather station. We greeted our chickens then had our Farm Chore: Dispersing Compost Tea using watering cans at the base of each eggplant. Compost Tea is composed of molasses, liquid kelp and compost. We give this to our plants to help boost their immune systems, to keep them resistant to insects and disease.
We then hydrated at the classroom, and played a super fun game of Indian Chief. After lunch we began our Scavenger Hunt! Kids chose groups of 2 and 3 students. We explored The Farm even further as we checked off our findings on the list. We shared about our experience with one another, what we found difficult and the most fun. It was then time to pack our belongings and hike through the dry riverbed to the big shaded field to play our end of the day game, Hungry Otter.
Thank you all so much. Please reach out to me via email if you have any needs or questions moving forward. We will see you next week!
Take good care.
Miss Micha